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   Choose EXACT Performance collision repairs for the highest quality, factory-level repair work.
We are a Certified McLaren body shop,
and we guarantee excellent attention to detail and long-lasting durability on all makes and models that we repair.
We accept all insurance claims.

McLaren Certified            Factory Quality

McLaren Certified Factory Quality

Rest assured that every make and model is held to the highest standard for factory quality through rigorous testing and McLaren Certification.

With world-class artisans and specialists in every area of restoration, we can address everything in-house, to finish every project including fabrication, metal forming, body finishing, paint, composites, electrical, and mechanical work. With the ability to do all facets of work in house we maintain control of the entire restoration process, and it gives us the ability to work on any project, from minor paint and body repair to complete show-winning restorations.

Newer compromise on quality Always Disassembled for Paint

Newer compromise on quality Always Disassembled for Paint

We not only pride ourselves in taking care of your car but taking care of you. Exact Performance offers the highest quality repairs and customer satisfaction in the auto body repair industry

Classic cars full restoration

Classic cars full restoration

© 2016 by EXACT performance inc. All Rights Reserved.

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